NJOVEM Noticas de todos os Generos

Rating: 3.1/5 (39 votos)


*Desafio da musica Gospel

*Seqüestrando o cérebro — como funciona a pornografia


*Novos Concursos na SEDU


*Arqueólogos acreditam ter encontrado parte da muralha construida por Salomão



Total de visitas: 3870

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Move the mouse up and down to move your paddle(the one on the right). Click on "serve" to begin every time a poiint is scored (make sure you press down and let up the mouse button on the serve button). You have ten reversals, also. Press the H key at any time to reverse the horizontal movement, or press V to change the vertical movement. Game is to 15. Good Luck!!

Dynamic Drive
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